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13.02 1st place Dota2 Dota 2 Asia Championships 2017 CIS Qualifier
03.01 3rd place Dota2 Royal Arena #2
22.12 2nd place Dota2 WellPlay Invitational #6
30.11 2nd place Dota2 ProDotA Cup Europe #12
07.11 2nd place Dota2 ProDotA Cup Europe #11
18.10 3-4 place Dota2 FACEIT Invitational
26.07 1st place Dota2 Global Grand Masters
09.06 9-12 place Dota2 The Manila Major
27.05 1st place Dota2 Nanyang Dota 2 Championships S2 European Qualifier
06.05 1st place Dota2 The Manila Major Europe Qualifier
30.04 4 place Dota2 WePlay Dota 2 League S3
24.04 3-4 place Dota2 ESL One Manila 2016
17.04 3rd place Dota2 ProDotA Cup Europe #5
03.04 2nd place League of Legends LCL 2016 Spring Split
17.02 1st place Dota2 ESL One Manila European Qualifier
15.02 1st place Dota2 BTS Europe #2 tournament grid
09.12 3rd place Pavel Hearthstone Champions League tournament grid
06.12 1st place Dota2 GS Global Cup #1 tournament grid
29.11 2nd place Warface Warface Open Cup: Autumn 2015 tournament grid
28.11 2nd place Dota2 DreamLeague Season 4 tournament grid
28.11 2nd place Dota2 ASUS RoG DreamLeague: Season 4 tournament grid
24.11 2nd place Dota2 PGL Dota 2 Pro-AM tournament grid
12.11 2nd place Dota2 D2CL Season 6 tournament grid
01.11 2nd place Dota2 WCA 2015: Europe Open Qualification tournament grid
10.10 2nd place Pavel WSVG 2015 Maldives tournament grid
03.10 5-6 place Pavel HWC - Europe Championship tournament grid
27.09 1st place Pavel WSVG 2015: CIS Qualifiers tournament grid
30.08 3rd place Pavel ONOG Summer Circuit Finals tournament grid
08.08 9th-12th place Dota2 The International 2015 tournament grid
05.07 2nd place Dota2 Esportal Dota 2 League
07.06 2nd place Dota2 MarsTV Dota 2 League Season 2 tournament grid
10.05 1st place Dota2 Dota 2 Champions League Season V tournament grid
26.04 3rd place Tnatym MatchArena #77 tournament grid
26.04 3rd place Warface Warface Open Cup: Весна 2015 tournament grid
13.04 1st place Dota2 joinDOTA MLG Pro League Season 1 tournament grid
30.03 1st place Troeput Tt eSports Cup #13 tournament grid
27.03 3rd place Drako StriveWire'S Qualifier #6
22.03 1st place HalF StriveWire's Qualifier #3 tournament grid
22.03 2nd place Dota2 Major All Stars tournament grid
20.03 2nd place Pavel Manacost Weekly Wars #1 tournament grid
20.03 3rd place HalF Manacost Weekly Wars #1 tournament grid
19.03 2nd place HalF #21 tournament grid
17.03 1st place Pavel MCS Open #2: Quali tournament grid
16.03 1st place Pavel #20 tournament grid
01.03 2nd place Tnatym Friday Night Cup #13 tournament grid
25.02 1st place Nazgul MD Forum 25.02 tournament grid
24.02 Slot on LAN Tnatym MCS Open #2: Quali tournament grid
19.02 3rd place Pavel Zotac Cup #47 tournament grid
01.02 1st place Tnatym LastGo Cup #5 tournament grid
27.01 3rd place Pavel Strivewire Cup tournament grid
25.01 1st place Dota2 joinDOTA Masters tournament grid
22.01 3rd place Dota2 Area 51 Dota 2 Cup tournament grid
18.01 1st place Dota2 StarLadder Season XI tournament grid
16.01 1st place Tnatym Friday Night Cup #11 tournament grid
12.01 2nd place Tnatym LastGo Battle #1 tournament grid
11.01 1st place Pavel MDforum #11 tournament grid
10.01 3rd place Drako Monday Night #11 tournament grid
10.01 3rd place Nazgul Match Arena #47 tournament grid
09.01 2nd place Setzer Hearthstone Russian Cup tournament grid
08.01 3rd place Drako HearthStone 1x1 MA Open #46 tournament grid
03.01 3rd place Pavel MD Forum New Year tournament grid
03.01 1st place lostov Manacost NY tournament grid
30.12 1st place Troeput HS Winter League tournament grid
23.12 1st place Dota2 GSL Call of Xmas Dota 2 Cup tournament grid
20.12 1st place Drako Wired Wednesday #4 tournament grid
14.12 1st place Dota2 Esportal Dota 2 Invitational Tour 1 tournament grid
12.12 1st place NuttyBunny MC Arena Masters #1 tournament grid
07.12 3rd place Pavel Zotac Cup HS NA Cup #44 tournament grid
02.12 2nd place Troeput Autumn Challenge Cup #13 tournament grid
02.12 3rd place HalF Autumn Challenge Cup #13 tournament grid
28.11 3rd place Smurf Battle for Glory #2 tournament grid
19.11 1st place Dota2 GIGABYTE Challenge #10 tournament grid
18.11 3rd place NuttyBunny Topdeck EU #47 tournament grid
18.11 3rd place lostov Zotac Cup #42 tournament grid
11.11 3rd place NuttyBunny Hearthstone MA OPEN #32 tournament grid
04.11 3rd place lostov Topdeck EU #45 tournament grid
02.11 3rd place Dota2 Dota 2 Champions League: Season 4 tournament grid
31.10 3rd place Troeput Hearthstone MA OPEN #30 tournament grid
30.10 1st place Pavel Hearthstone 1on1 MA OPEN #29 tournament grid
29.10 1st place Dota2 Excellent Moscow Cup tournament grid
26.10 1st place HalF TIGER NightCup #17 tournament grid
24.10 2nd place Nazgul TopDeck EU #43 tournament grid
19.10 1st place Warface Warface Open Cup: Осень tournament grid
16.10 2nd place HalF Redia&Eclaves Night Cup #16 tournament grid
15.10 2nd place Nazgul I am the legend #3 tournament grid
13.10 1st place lostov Top Deck EU #42 tournament grid
02.10 1st place Nazgul IeSF 2014 Quali tournament grid
29.09 2nd place Setzer Manacost #13 tournament grid
19.09 1st place Drako Hard Random Cup: Season 1 tournament grid
18.09 1st place NuttyBunny EU Weekly #12 tournament grid
18.09 3rd place Setzer EU Weekly #12 tournament grid
18.09 1st place Anari TopDeck EU #38 tournament grid
13.09 3rd place Dota2 GameShow Dota 2 League tournament grid
05.09 3rd place Drako GR HearthStone Cup #11 tournament grid
31.08 1st place Setzer EU Weekly 11 tournament grid
30.08 2nd place Happy ZOTAC StarCraft II Season #2 Final tournament grid
24.08 1st place Dota2 MSI Beat It: Europe tournament grid
20.08 3rd place Smurf HardRandom Cup #11 tournament grid
20.08 2nd place Pavel HardRandom Cup #11 tournament grid
20.08 1st place Setzer Topdeck #34 tournament grid
17.08 1st place NuttyBunny HC Rumble Cup: Quali #4 tournament grid
12.08 Winner Happy ShowMatch vs Vega.LiveZerg tournament grid
10.08 1st place Setzer HC Rumble Cup: Quali #3 tournament grid
10.08 1st place Happy ZOTAC Cup #219 tournament grid
06.08 1st place League of Legends Evolution Cup #13 tournament grid
04.08 1st place League of Legends EpicGear Cup #14 tournament grid
03.08 1st place League of Legends ESL Go4LoL CIS #61 tournament grid
03.08 2nd place Happy ZOTAC Cup #218 tournament grid
02.08 2nd place Nazgul GR HS League #3: Fast Cup #7 tournament grid
02.08 2nd place Drako Hard Random Cup #9 tournament grid
02.08 3rd place Setzer Hard Random Cup #9 tournament grid
27.07 2nd place Happy ZOTAC Cup #217 tournament grid
26.07 3rd place Nazgul HR challenge cup #8 tournament grid
20.07 1st place Happy ZOTAC Cup #216 tournament grid
14.07 12th place Dota2 The International 2014 tournament grid
13.07 1st place Happy ZOTAC Cup #215 tournament grid
12.07 1st place Setzer HR Challenge Cup #6 tournament grid
12.07 3rd place Pavel HR Challenge Cup #6 tournament grid
12.07 3rd place NuttyBunny Topdeck EU #29 tournament grid
11.07 1st place Romice HS Brawl Cup #2: Квалификация на Zotac tournament grid
11.07 2nd place Setzer HR challenge cup #5 season #1 tournament grid
10.07 1st place GeneraL GR HS League #3: Legendary League tournament grid
10.07 2nd place NuttyBunny GR HS League #3: Epic League tournament grid
06.07 2nd place Happy ZOTAC Cup #214 tournament grid
03.07 Winner Pavel Царь Горы #7 tournament grid
29.06 2nd place Pavel GosuCup #16 tournament grid
28.06 1st place GeneraL Topdeck #27 tournament grid
28.06 3rd place Nazgul Topdeck #27 tournament grid
28.06 3rd place NuttyBunny Topdeck #27 tournament grid
28.06 2nd place Pavel HR challenge cup #4 season #1 tournament grid
28.06 3rd place Drako HR challenge cup #4 season #1 tournament grid
26.06 Winner Dota2 Showmatch: Team Empire vs Na`Vi.NA tournament grid
25.06 1st place Dota2 Dota 2 Champions League Season 3 tournament grid
24.06 Dota2 HyperX D2L Western Challenge tournament grid
23.06 2nd place Happy ZOTAC Cup #212 tournament grid
21.06 4th place League of Legends ESL CIS Pro Series Season 2 tournament grid
21.06 1st place GeneraL Cyber Unvierse CyberCup Stage 2 tournament grid
21.06 3rd place Drako Cyber Unvierse CyberCup Stage 2 tournament grid
19.06 1st place Pavel HearthstoneManacost #10 tournament grid
19.06 1st place Pavel Manacost #10 tournament grid
16.06 3rd place Dota2 ASUS ROG DreamLeague Season 1 tournament grid
16.06 1st place GeneraL Evolution Hearthstone Cup #7 tournament grid
15.06 1st place Drako Tt eSPORTS Summer Challenge Cup #3 tournament grid
15.06 2nd place Drako Evolution Hearthstone Cup #6 tournament grid
14.06 1st place xPoohx GR HS League #3: Qualification tournament grid
11.06 1st place Pavel Evolution Hearthstone Cup #5 tournament grid
07.06 1st place Drako Cyber Universe Hearthstone Cup #16 tournament grid
07.06 3rd place Nazgul Cyber Universe Hearthstone Cup #16 tournament grid
07.06 3rd place Drako HR challenge cup #1 tournament grid
02.06 1st place Romice Evolution Hearthstone Cup #1 tournament grid
01.06 3rd place NuttyBunny OlesamiTV Cup #1 tournament grid
31.05 Winner Dota2 Bounty Hunter Series vs Mouz tournament grid
31.05 2nd place Setzer Песнь Войны tournament grid
31.05 1st place Pavel GameRing League #2: Legendary division tournament grid
31.05 2nd place Setzer GameRing League #2: Epic division tournament grid
31.05 2nd place Drako GameRing League #2: Rare division tournament grid
31.05 1st place Drako Topdeck EU #23 tournament grid
31.05 3rd place Romice Открытый турнир по Hearthstone tournament grid
29.05 3rd place Romice Limited Cup от mdforum tournament grid
29.05 1st place Romice Битва Титанов tournament grid
29.05 3rd place GeneraL Битва Титанов tournament grid
25.05 1st place Happy Zotac Cup #208 tournament grid
25.05 1st place Alvi Е=да² Hearthstone Cup tournament grid
25.05 3rd place Setzer ESL Hearthstone 1vs1 Cup tournament grid
21.05 3rd place Drako ManaGrind's EU Limited Swiss tournament grid
18.05 1st place Dota2 Excellent Moscow Cup tournament grid
18.05 1st place Romice Cyber Universe Hearthstone Cup #13 tournament grid
18.05 3rd place Pavel Cyber Universe Hearthstone Cup #13 tournament grid
18.05 3rd place Setzer Topdeck EU #21 tournament grid
17.05 2nd place NuttyBunny Plantronics RIG 17.05 tournament grid
15.05 3rd place League of Legends ESL CIS Pro Series S2 - первый полусезон tournament grid
11.05 2nd place Happy Zotac Cup #206 tournament grid
04.05 1st place Happy Zotac Cup #205 tournament grid
03.05 1st place Dota2 joinDOTA League Europe Season 1 tournament grid
27.04 2nd place Kas Zotac Cup #204 tournament grid
27.04 1st place Happy Zotac Cup #204 tournament grid
25.04 Winner Kas Team Gravity's Fight Night tournament grid
24.04 3rd place Dota2 Fragbite Masters 2014 Spring tournament grid
20.04 2nd place Dota2 SLTV Star Series Season IX tournament grid
19.04 Winner Kas ShowMatch vs Ai.Strelok tournament grid
19.04 2nd place Happy Copenhagen Games 2014 tournament grid
16.04 2nd place Dota2 MLG T.K.O. tournament grid
14.04 3rd place Dota2 D2CL Season 2 tournament grid
13.04 1st place Kas Insane Gravity Cup #3 tournament grid
11.04 Winner Kas ShowMatch vs Roccat.DIMAGA tournament grid
06.04 2nd place Happy Zotac Cup #201 tournament grid
05.04 1st place Dota2 TECLABS CUP 2014: Moscow tournament grid
05.04 3rd place Happy TECLABS CUP 2014: Moscow tournament grid
05.04 3rd place League of Legends ESL CIS Pro Series Season I tournament grid
03.04 2nd place Dota2 Gfinity Pro League Season 1 tournament grid
09.03 1st place Happy Zotac Cup #197 tournament grid
02.03 1st place Happy Zotac Cup #196 tournament grid
23.02 1st place Happy Zotac Cup #195 tournament grid
17.02 2nd place Happy Zotac Cup #194 tournament grid
08.02 2nd place Dota2 ESP Shock Therapy Cup tournament grid
03.02 1st place Dota2 EIZO CUP #11 tournament grid
30.01 1st place Dota2 CIS Carnage 2014 tournament grid
17.01 3rd place Happy eSportsventure Cup tournament grid
12.01 1st place Happy Zotac Cup #189 tournament grid
22.12 1st place Dota2 Bigpoint Battle #11 tournament grid
21.12 2nd place League of Legends lol-game cup tournament grid
21.12 3rd place Happy Regular Cup #77 tournament grid
12.12 1st place Happy EnerJ Cup #13 tournament grid
08.12 1st place Kas Zotac Cup #186 tournament grid
07.12 1st place Happy Regular Cup #76 tournament grid
07.12 2nd place League of Legends Techlabs Cup Kazahstan 2013 tournament grid
23.11 1st place Kas Regular Cup #75 tournament grid
17.11 2nd place Dota2 Techlabs Cup 2013 - Grand Final tournament grid
17.11 5th-8th place Happy HomeStory Cup VIII tournament grid
13.11 1st place Happy EIZO Cup KOTH tournament grid
11.11 2nd place Dota2 EIZO Cup #9 tournament grid
10.11 2nd place Kas Regular Cup #74 tournament grid
09.11 1st place Happy Regular Cup #74 tournament grid
03.11 1st place Dota2 Electronic Sports World Cup 2013 tournament grid
28.10 1st place Cascade Clan League Season 5 tournament grid
27.10 1st place Kas Zotac Cup #180 tournament grid
24.10 Dota2 We Play Dota2 League tournament grid
20.10 Winner Happy IEM Season VIII - Singapore / EU Quali tournament grid
19.10 1st place Happy Regular Cup #72 tournament grid
13.10 2nd place Kas ZOTAC Cup #178 tournament grid
13.10 1st place Happy ZOTAC Cup #178 tournament grid
12.10 3rd place Dota2 StarLadder Season VII tournament grid
12.10 1st place Happy Regular Cup #71 tournament grid
06.10 1st place Dota2 Квалификация на ESWC 2013 tournament grid
28.09 1st place Kas Regular Cup #70 tournament grid
27.09 1st place Kas Ejuk Cup - Monthly Final (September) tournament grid
21.09 1st place Happy Regular Cup 21.09.2013 tournament grid
19.09 1st place Dota2 Eizo Cup #8 tournament grid
15.09 2nd place Happy ZOTAC Cup #174 tournament grid
14.09 1st place Happy Regular Cup 14.09.2013 tournament grid
13.09 1st place Happy Ejuk Cup #7 tournament grid
10.09 1st place Dota2 EMS One Fall Cup #2 tournament grid
06.09 1st place Happy Ejuk Cup #6 tournament grid
06.09 2nd place Kas Ejuk Cup #6 tournament grid
03.09 2nd place Dota2 Bigpoint Battle #7 tournament grid
31.08 Winner Kas Techlabs Kiev: ShowMatch vs StarDust tournament grid
25.08 2nd place Happy ZOTAC Cup #171 tournament grid
24.08 1st place Happy Regular Cup 24.08.2013 tournament grid
11.08 1st place Kas ZOTAC Cup #169 tournament grid
10.08 1st place Happy Regular Cup 10.08.2013 tournament grid
10.08 1st place Happy Techlabs Kiev 2013: StarCraft II qualification tournament grid
10.08 1st place Happy Ejuk Cup #2 tournament grid
03.08 5th-8th place Happy ASUS RoG Summer 2013 tournament grid
27.07 1st place Happy Regular Cup 27.07.13 tournament grid
21.07 1st place Happy ZOTAC Cup #166 tournament grid
20.07 1st place Happy Regular Cup 20.07.13 tournament grid
07.07 1st place Happy EnerJ Cup VIII - Monthly Final June tournament grid
06.07 1st place Happy Regular Cup 06.07.13 tournament grid
06.07 2nd place Kas Regular Cup 06.07.13 tournament grid
30.06 2nd place Happy Битва Четырех tournament grid
16.06 1st place Happy Regular Cup 15.06.13 tournament grid
13.06 1st place RaidCall EMS SC2 Clan League tournament grid
09.06 1st place Happy EnerJ Cup #10 tournament grid
08.06 1st place Happy Palit JetStream HotS Cup #10 tournament grid
08.06 2nd place Kas Palit JetStream HotS Cup #10 tournament grid
02.06 1st place Happy EnerJ Cup #9 tournament grid
01.06 1st place Happy Palit JetStream HotS Cup #9 tournament grid
31.05 1st place Happy Regular Cup 31.05.13 tournament grid
19.05 1st place Aristeo Кибериада 2013 tournament grid
19.05 1st place Brat_OK Кибериада 2013 tournament grid
19.05 1st place Happy EnerJ Cup VIII - Monthly Final May tournament grid
18.05 2nd place Kas GIGABYTE Quali #2 tournament grid
18.05 1st place Happy Regular Cup 18.05.13 tournament grid
18.05 1st place Siw Palit JetStream HotS Cup #7 tournament grid
13.05 1st place Kas Yegalisk Master League tournament grid
13.05 2nd place Happy Yegalisk Master League tournament grid
12.05 3rd place Kas Eizo Cup Finals tournament grid
12.05 1st place BeastyQT EnerJ Cup VII tournament grid
10.05 1st place Brat_OK Regular Cup #51 tournament grid
04.05 1st place Happy Regular Cup 04.05.13 tournament grid
28.04 1st place Brat_OK EnerJ Cup V tournament grid
27.04 1st place Brat_OK Palit JetStream April Final tournament grid
21.04 1st place Happy EnerJ Cup Monthly Final April tournament grid
21.04 1st place Brat_OK Regular Cup 21.04.13 tournament grid
21.04 2nd place Happy Regular Cup 21.04.13 tournament grid
19.04 2nd place Siw Go4SC2#284 + WCS 2013 EU Qualifier tournament grid
15.04 1st place Happy Go4SC2#283 + WCS 2013 EU Qualifier tournament grid
14.04 2nd place Dota2 Bigpoint Battle #3 tournament grid
13.04 1st place Happy Regular Cup 13.04.13 tournament grid
11.04 3rd place Dota2 EG RaidCall Dota 2 League Season 2. tournament grid
09.04 Winner Kas ShowMatch vs Snute tournament grid
07.04 1st place Happy ZOTAC Cup #151 tournament grid
07.04 2nd place Kas ZOTAC Cup #151 tournament grid
07.04 4th place Dota2 SLTV Star Series Season V tournament grid
06.04 1st place Aristeo Regular Cup 06.04.13 tournament grid
06.04 1st place Kas Palit JetStream HotS Cup #1 tournament grid
04.04 2nd place Happy ZOTAC Cup February Finals tournament grid
31.03 1st place Happy Regular Cup 02.03.13 tournament grid
31.03 Winner Brat_OK ShowMatch vs Slivko/Verdi tournament grid
31.03 Winner Kas ShowMatch vs Slivko/Verdi tournament grid
31.03 1st place Brat_OK ZOTAC Cup #150 tournament grid
29.03 1st place Happy EnerJ-Cup #1 tournament grid
24.03 2nd place Happy Zotac Cup #149 tournament grid
23.03 1st place Dota2 Techlabs Cup 2013 Moscow tournament grid
23.03 2nd place Kas Techlabs Cup 2013 Moscow tournament grid
23.03 1st place Happy Techlabs Cup 2013 Moscow tournament grid
20.03 1st place Cascade1xbet League Season 3 tournament grid
17.03 1st place Happy TECHLABS: Moscow Quali tournament grid
17.03 1st place Siw Ritmix OGIC 3 tournament grid
17.03 4th place Brat_OK Ritmix OGIC 3 tournament grid
10.03 1st place Happy Zotac Cup #147 tournament grid
02.03 1st place Happy Regular Cup 02.03.13 tournament grid
02.03 2nd place Brat_OK Regular Cup 02.03.13 tournament grid
24.02 1st place Happy Zotac Cup #145 tournament grid
23.02 1st place Happy Regular Cup 23.02.13 tournament grid
10.02 2nd place Happy Zotac Cup #143 tournament grid
04.02 1st place Happy Zotac Cup #142 tournament grid
31.01 1st place BeastyQT Beta Cup #6 tournament grid
27.01 1st place Siw Zotac Cup #141 tournament grid
20.01 1st place Siw Zotac Cup #140 tournament grid
20.01 2nd place BeastyQT Zotac Cup #140 tournament grid
19.01 5-8th Kas Intel Extreme Masters Katowice tournament grid
13.01 1st place Dota2 The Premier League Season 3 tournament grid
13.01 1st place Kas Palit JetStream Cup #10 tournament grid
30.12 1st place Dota2 The Revenge #4 tournament grid
21.12 2nd place Dota2 StarLadder Season 4 tournament grid
19.12 2nd place Dota2 GosuLeague Season 5 tournament grid
16.12 1st place Dota2 ASUS Final Battle Of The Year tournament grid
11.12 Slot Kas IEM Katowice 2013 EU qualifer tournament grid
09.12 1st place Happy Финал "300 действий в минуту" Казань tournament grid
09.12 2nd place Brat_OK Финал "300 действий в минуту" Казань tournament grid
02.12 2nd place Kas Palit JetStream Cup #5 tournament grid
25.11 1st place Kas Palit JetStream Cup Final tournament grid
25.11 2nd place Brat_OK Palit JetStream Cup Final tournament grid
24.11 3rd place Dota2 DreamHack Winter 2012 tournament grid
19.11 1st place Dota2 RaidCall Dota 2 tournament grid
14.11 1st place Dota2 atoD Showdown 2 tournament grid
11.11 2nd place Brat_OK Palit JetStream Cup #2 tournament grid
11.11 1st place Kas Palit JetStream Cup #2 tournament grid
09.11 1st place Dota2 joinDOTA Masters Special Edition tournament grid
09.11 3rd place Kas Stim to the Win tournament grid
04.11 1st place Kas Palit JetStream Cup #1 tournament grid
27.10 1st place Happy Regular Cup 27.10.12 tournament grid
27.10 1st place Mista Playhem tournament grid
25.10 1st place StarCraft II ACME iP League Season 4 tournament grid
22.10 1st place Happy ESET Winter Masters Quali #2 tournament grid
21.10 2nd place Dota2 StarLadder Season 3 tournament grid
21.10 2nd place Happy ZOTAC Cup #129 tournament grid
20.10 1st place Brat_OK Regular Cup 20.10.12 tournament grid
17.10 1st place Mista Playhem tournament grid
14.10 3rd place Kas ASUS ROG The GD Invitational tournament grid
14.10 1st place Happy WCG Russia 2012 tournament grid
14.10 1st place Happy ZOTAC Cup #128 tournament grid
01.10 1st place Dota2 Firstblood Cup tournament grid
01.10 3rd place Dota2 Moscow5 Dota2 Open tournament grid
01.10 1st place Dota2 4pl Play For Dota #3 tournament grid
01.10 1st place Mista Playhem tournament grid
30.09 2nd place Brat_OK 300 действий в минуту квалификация #2 tournament grid
30.09 1st place Happy 300 действий в минуту квалификация #2 tournament grid
26.09 1st place Mista AlienInvasion Cup #5 tournament grid
25.09 1st place Mista Playhem tournament grid
24.09 1st place Mista Playhem tournament grid
23.09 2nd place BeastyQT ZOTAC CUP #125 tournament grid
23.09 3rd place Happy ZOTAC CUP #125 tournament grid
23.09 2nd place Mista Playhem tournament grid
22.09 2nd place Mista Playhem tournament grid
22.09 1st place Dota2 Lost World Cup #1 tournament grid
16.09 2nd place Brat_OK Regular Cup 15.09.12 tournament grid
16.09 1st place Kas Regular Cup 15.09.12 tournament grid
09.09 3rd place Mista ZOTAC Cup #123 tournament grid
09.09 2nd place Happy Regular Cup 08.09.12 tournament grid
09.09 1st place Brat_OK Regular Cup 08.09.12 tournament grid
01.09 1st place Happy Regular Cup 01.09.12 tournament grid
28.08 3rd place Brat_OK Eizo Cup #9 tournament grid
28.08 1st place Happy Eizo Cup #9 tournament grid
26.08 3rd place Brat_OK ZOTAC Cup #121 tournament grid
22.08 1st place Happy CloseCombat 2012 #8 tournament grid
19.08 3rd place Brat_OK ZOTAC Cup #120 tournament grid
10.08 2nd place Happy QPAD and Xilence Cup tournament grid
07.08 winner BeastyQT CSN Allstars #7 BeastyQT vs sls.CranK tournament grid
05.08 1st place BeastyQT Realm eSports $100 Sunday SLAM tournament grid
22.07 4th place Aristeo Blizzard WCS Russia tournament grid
22.07 2nd place Happy Blizzard WCS Russia tournament grid
21.07 4th place Kas Blizzard WCS Ukraine tournament grid
16.07 1st place BeastyQT AZiO Rundown World Cup tournament grid
15.07 1st place Kas Ritmix RSL tournament grid
08.07 1st place Kas ZOTAC Cup #114 tournament grid
07.07 1st place Kas SC2 Regular Cup #12 tournament grid
04.07 1st place BeastyQT TSL4 quali EU/NA #8 tournament grid
29.06 4th Mista Eclypsia Cup #1 tournament grid
28.06 1st place Kas dignitas Reverse Race Tournament tournament grid
24.06 2nd place Happy ZOTAC Cup #112 tournament grid
17.06 3rd place viOLet The GIGABYTE ESPORTS LAN tournament grid
16.06 1st place Happy SC2 Regular Cup #10 tournament grid
13.06 2nd place Kas Antec Attack #20 tournament grid
13.06 1st place Happy Antec Attack #20 tournament grid
10.06 1st place Dota2 4pl Play For Dota #3 tournament grid
09.06 1st place Happy SC2 Regular Cup #9 tournament grid
07.06 winner Kas Pokerstrategy Show match - TargA vs Kas tournament grid
06.06 2nd place Kas Antec Attack #19 tournament grid
06.06 1st place Happy Antec Attack #19 tournament grid
05.06 2nd place Kas HomeStory Cup #5 EU Quali #1 tournament grid
01.06 2nd place Kas PLAY RaidCall SC2 Invitational tournament grid
29.05 1st place viOLet MSI Pro Cup #10 tournament grid
29.05 1st place Kas SCV Rush Master #6 tournament grid
27.05 1st place Happy SC2 Regular Cup #7 tournament grid
23.05 1st place Kas Antec Attack #17 tournament grid
23.05 3rd place Happy Antec Attack #17 tournament grid
23.05 1st place Mista Playhem tournament grid
20.05 1st place viOLet MLG Spring Arena #2 2012 tournament grid
19.05 1st place Kas Blizzard World Championship Quali #5 tournament grid
13.05 1st place viOLet MSI Battlegrounds tournament grid
13.05 3rd place BeastyQT MSI Battlegrounds tournament grid
13.05 winner Mista Roccat HSL SHOWMATCH tournament grid
12.05 2nd place Mista WANNAWAR SC2 tournament grid
12.05 1st place Happy SC2 Regular Cup #5 tournament grid
12.05 1st place Kas Cup for All #1 tournament grid
06.05 2nd place Happy ZOTAC tournament grid
05.05 1st place Happy Playhem tournament grid
30.04 1st place Happy Cyborg Cup tournament grid
30.04 2nd place Kas TaKeTV Reloaded Invitational tournament grid
27.04 1st place Happy Playhem tournament grid
26.04 2nd place viOLet MSI Pro Cup #9 tournament grid
24.04 2nd place Aristeo PokerStrategy freeroll tournament grid
22.04 5-6th place viOLet MLG Pro Circuit 2012 Spring Arena #1 tournament grid
22.04 2nd place ho8ot Blizzard World Championship Quali #1 tournament grid
22.04 1st place Happy Blizzard World Championship Quali #1 tournament grid
21.04 2nd place Kas imbaTV tournament grid
18.04 2nd place StarCraft II iP League Season 3 tournament grid
17.04 1st place Happy Xilence Cup tournament grid
15.04 2nd place Happy ICE Hammer SC2 tournament grid
13.04 2nd place Happy CardCoaches CraftCup tournament grid
07.04 1st place Kas Copenhagen Games 2012 tournament grid
04.04 1st place viOLet CSN Rundown #9 tournament grid
31.03 2nd place Happy ICSAtv Oppening Cup tournament grid
25.03 1st place StarCraft II GIGABATTLE LAN Spring 2012 tournament grid
24.03 5-6th viOLet MLG Pro Circuit 2012 Winter Arena tournament grid
23.03 3rd place BeastyQT CardCoaches CraftCup tournament grid
22.03 1st place Kas Eizo Cup tournament grid
18.03 2nd place ho8ot NN Lan tournament grid
11.03 2nd place Aristeo Go4SC2 tournament grid
10.03 5-8th viOLet IEM S6 World Championship tournament grid
09.03 3rd place ho8ot CardCoaches CraftCup tournament grid
03.03 1st place viOLet CSN Rundown #8 tournament grid
01.03 3rd place StarCraft II imbaTV tournament grid
28.02 3rd place ESET Masters tournament grid
26.02 7-8th place viOLet MLG Pro Circuit 2012 Winter Championship tournament grid
14.02 1st place StarCraft II imbaTV tournament grid
12.02 1st place Happy ZOTAC tournament grid
12.02 3rd place Aristeo Go4SC2 tournament grid
11.02 1st place Happy Playhem tournament grid
11.02 2nd place StarCraft II Playhem tournament grid
11.02 1st place viOLet Intel Extreme Masters 2012 San Paulo tournament grid
06.02 3rd place BeastyQT GameCreds tournament grid
02.02 1st place viOLet CSN Rundown #7 tournament grid
29.01 1st place Kas ONOG Inv. tournament grid
29.01 3rd place BeastyQT SCAN Inv. #3 tournament grid
28.01 3rd place Kas SCAN Inv. #3 tournament grid
26.01 1st place Happy CloseCombat Jan. Final tournament grid
25.01 2nd place BeastyQT Zotac Jan. Finals tournament grid
25.01 1st place StarCraft II JokerTeam ProSeries tournament grid
22.01 3rd place Kas Intel Extreme Masters 2012 Kiev tournament grid
22.01 1st place Happy Playhem tournament grid
22.01 1st place BeastyQT Go4SC2 tournament grid
20.01 1st place Aristeo EmpireTV Cup tournament grid
16.01 2nd place ho8ot GameCreds tournament grid
14.01 1st place Happy Playhem tournament grid
14.01 2nd place BeastyQT Sennheiser S2 Final tournament grid
13.01 1st place Aristeo EmpireTV Cup tournament grid
12.01 3rd place Aristeo Go4SC2 Dec. Final tournament grid
12.01 3rd place Happy CloseCombat Jan. Quali 2 tournament grid
09.01 2nd place Kas GameCreds tournament grid
08.01 1st place Aristeo Go4SC2 tournament grid
06.01 1st place Happy Teamspeak3 Cup tournament grid
05.01 1st place Happy Playhem tournament grid
05.01 1st place Happy CloseCombat Jan. Quali 1 tournament grid
30.12 2nd place Aristeo EmpireTV Cup tournament grid
28.12 2nd place Aristeo ZALMAN tournament grid
22.12 3rd place BeastyQT IEM Kiev Quali Stage 3 tournament grid
19.12 1st place BeastyQT sc2ro League tournament grid
18.12 2nd place Aristeo Go4SC2 tournament grid
10.12 3rd place Kas WCG 2011 Grand Final tournament grid
04.12 1st place BeastyQT ZOTAC tournament grid
04.12 3rd place Aristeo ZOTAC tournament grid
02.12 1st place BeastyQT EmpireTV Cup tournament grid
30.11 3rd place Aristeo ZALMAN tournament grid
29.11 1st place BeastyQT Xilence Cup tournament grid
27.11 1st place Aristeo Go4SC2 tournament grid
20.11 1st place BeastyQT Go4SC2 tournament grid
19.11 1st place Aristeo Webmex Cup tournament grid
16.11 2nd place BeastyQT ZALMAN tournament grid
14.11 3rd place BeastyQT GIGABYTE tournament grid
14.11 3rd place Aristeo GameCreds tournament grid
11.11 1st place BeastyQT NeverFold tournament grid
11.11 1st place StarCraft II GosuCoaching Premiere League Season 2 tournament grid
09.11 2nd place BeastyQT ZOTAC Oct. Finals tournament grid
09.11 3rd place BeastyQT ZALMAN tournament grid
08.11 1st place BeastyQT Go4SC2 Final Oct. tournament grid
06.11 3rd place BeastyQT ZOTAC tournament grid
06.11 2nd place Aristeo Kingston SSD Cup tournament grid
06.11 2nd place StarCraft II EG Master Cup Series League Season VI tournament grid
05.11 1st place BeastyQT IEM Serbia Quali tournament grid
04.11 3rd place BeastyQT AllMighty Cup tournament grid
30.10 1st place BeastyQT Go4SC2 tournament grid
29.10 3rd place Aristeo IEM Quali Russia tournament grid
19.10 2nd place Aristeo Go4SC2 Sep. Finals tournament grid
17.10 3rd place BeastyQT GameCreds tournament grid
17.10 3rd place Aristeo GIGABYTE tournament grid
16.10 2nd place BeastyQT ZOTAC tournament grid
16.10 3rd place Aristeo Go4SC2 tournament grid
10.10 3rd place BeastyQT GIGABYTE tournament grid
09.10 1st place BeastyQT Go4SC2 tournament grid
08.10 1st place BeastyQT APM Open tournament grid
08.10 1st place BeastyQT Sennheiser Cup tournament grid
04.10 3rd place BeastyQT Cerberus Cup tournament grid
03.10 1st place BeastyQT GameCreds tournament grid
28.09 1st place Aristeo Go4SC2 tournament grid
21.09 2nd place Aristeo Go4SC2 tournament grid
18.09 2nd place BeastyQT Go4SC2 tournament grid
17.09 1st place Aristeo Webmex Cup tournament grid
15.09 2nd place StarCraft II iP League Season 2 tournament grid
11.09 3rd place BeastyQT ZOTAC tournament grid
06.09 1st place Kas WCG Ukraine 2011 tournament grid
06.09 2nd place BeastyQT Webmex Cup tournament grid
04.09 1st place Happy WCG Russia 2011 tournament grid
04.09 2nd place Aristeo WCG Russia 2011 tournament grid
26.07 3rd place StarCraft II HP Russian Language Pro League Season 4 tournament grid
01.07 1st place StarCraft II SC2CL Season Season 2: Masters Division tournament grid
30.03 2nd place StarCraft II Russian Language Pro League Season 3
01.12 1st place StarCraft II SC2CL Season Season 1: Division 2a tournament grid
23.11 3rd place StarCraft II Russian Language Pro League Season 2
01.01 Winner NuttyBunny Gfinity tournament grid





Alternate aTTaX

PDC #12





The Imperial

PDC #12





Prodota Gaming

PDC #12






PDC #12






D2CL #9





Sanguine Sharks

PDC #12






D2CL #9






PDC #11


All results


Good evening, dear friends! It's been a while since I wrote anything in his blog, and I am sorry that new article has sad theme. However, I believe that it is right to tell you the latest news personally.

The main theme of this blog is D2L tournament in Las Vegas. As you know, Team Empire has won the qualifier few days ago...

We knew that getting there is not easy, and not even because of the financial costs of the trip, but due to visa issues.

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MVP's of their teams: Empire.Kas and Empire.Happy talked to the press on the eve of match.

In this interview you can read answers to such questions as: is it hard to play against a teammate for Team Empire players, guys attitude to matches of this type and so forth. Don't miss it!  

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